SDSS Program Survey Feedback

SDSS Program Survey

The Department of Education recently released a survey to schools requesting feedback on the services provided in the previous 12 months by Organisations funded through the SDSS Program, including our Language Disorder Australia School Support Services. This is an independent survey that is conducted directly from the Department of Education to schools the SSS team have supported.

The results of the feedback for Language Disorder Australia are summarised below.


Click the image to see the feedback summary.

Comments from schools included the following:

Enabled early identification of needs and tailored intervention programs so our students have equitable access to the curriculum and socialisation.

Teachers were able to understand what sorts of adjustments would be of benefit to the students to support their needs.
The reports are excellent. It’s very helpful to have the resource column that directly aligns with an area of challenge. The stakeholder meetings are always beneficial to have specialist “fresh eyes” to discuss student needs and support review/input for personalised plans. The teams are always highly professional, personable and respectful.

The resources obtained following our sessions with Language Disorder Australia were invaluable to teachers and were able to be used across the entire class. We have since invited Language Disorder Australia to provide some professional learning to our whole staff 23/10/2023.

Provision of a range of evidence-based strategies for use with students.

The Multidisciplinary Assessments are conducted within the school environment (as opposed to a clinical setting) adding weight to the report findings.

The adjustment recommendations were on point and links to helpful resources were provided.

The support that Language Disorder Australia provides to our school has been invaluable. The specialist insight into our students’ challenges whilst at school and the incredibly detailed reports with excellent, easy-to-implement interventions have made a significant difference to the students and the staff supporting them. We have seen an increased participation in activities both socially and in the classroom and an improvement in their achievements. The reports have also supported us in discussing some of our students’ challenges with their parents, which in turn has facilitated connections with external Organisations such as speech therapists who can provide additional support outside of school.

Enabled early identification of needs and tailored intervention programs so our students have equitable access to the curriculum and socialisation.

Teachers were able to understand what sorts of adjustments would be of benefit to the students to support their needs.

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Support Developmental Language Disorder Day

on #DLDday, Friday October 14th, 2022

14 October is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The 2022 DLDday theme is Growing with DLD, highlighting that DLD is a lifelong, permanent disability.