Professional Learning

Our specialist multidisciplinary team are committed to sharing knowledge and expertise about students with Language Disorder and practical evidence-informed strategies for improving educational outcomes.

Our partner schools have free and full access to the following professional learning resources:

Professional Education Training

Schools may also access Professional Education Training. This is an elective, paid service that schools may request in addition to other services already provided to the school by Language Disorder Australia’s School Support Services. This professional development service is more extensive and provides increased learning opportunities for school staff. The main goal is to improve and support school staff’s professional knowledge, competence, skills and effectiveness in supporting students with Language Disorder in the classroom. Depending on the topic and needs of the school, this may look like a 3-4 hour workshop. Need more support? Please email or phone our specialist team for more information about Language Disorder Australia’s Professional Education Training to meet your schools and student needs.

Stay Connected

Language Disorder Australia’s SSS Professional network is a group for educators and professionals who are interested in current research into assessments and intervention for children and young people with Language Disorder.

This group aims to promote critical thinking and professional inquiry among group members by discussing assessment and intervention practices through the sharing of information, links, and resources.

Our Support Networks

Therapy support for children and young people with Language Disorder and other developmental and learning needs.

A full educational experience for children and young people with Language Disorder – from Prep to Year 12.

Enhancing outcomes for students with Language Disorder through consultation, capacity building through intensive support and professional learning for school staff.

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