About Us

Language Disorder Australia is a trusted national network of professionals and services, providing high-quality education, support and advocacy for children and young people with Language Disorder.

We make extraordinary outcomes happen for those with Language Disorder across all aspects of life, opening up new pathways that allow children and young people to achieve beyond what anyone imagined possible.

Our multidisciplinary and integrated network of educators and allied health professionals work with our partners, community and government to provide contemporary, high-quality integrated services for children and young people with Language Disorder. 

Every child and young person deserves to belong. It’s up to us to build a world of greater understanding and connection so they can unleash their own extraordinary potential.


Our Vision

Our vision is to ensure extraordinary outcomes, beyond what anyone imagined possible, for children and young people with Language Disorder.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate, support and advocate for children and young people with Language Disorder, so they can connect, belong and achieve.

Our Values


We put the interests of others above our own and actively seek out opportunities to help.


We love what we do and show this through our enthusiasm, energy and positive mindset.


We have high expectations of ourselves and each other, and continually strive to be better tomorrow than we were today.


We accept responsibility, do what is expected of us and are answerable to each other.


We are friendly, generous and considerate in everything we do.


We deliberately enable others, develop their agency and voice, and are committed to their success.


We show through our everyday actions that we value others as unique individuals, entitled to our high regard and dignity; honouring their difference and contribution.


Our Support Networks

Therapy support for children and young people with Language Disorder and other developmental and learning needs.

A full educational experience for children and young people with Language Disorder – from Prep to Year 12.

Enhancing outcomes for students with Language Disorder through consultation, capacity building through intensive support and professional learning for school staff.

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Support Developmental Language Disorder Day

on #DLDday, Friday October 14th, 2022

14 October is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day.
The 2022 DLDday theme is Growing with DLD, highlighting that DLD is a lifelong, permanent disability.