Language Disorder Australia represented at the Diverse Learners Symposium

Language Disorder Australia will be present at the Diverse Learners Symposium, which is part of the National Education Summit in Brisbane on Friday, 5 August.

Our experts, Lisa Quinn (Head of Allied Health Services) and Athena Panagopoulos (Senior Speech Pathologist), will share important insights into “Classroom-based strategies to support students with Language Disorder”. As an introduction to their presentation, Lisa and Athena wrote an excellent article outlining definitions of Language Disorder and DLD, and the importance of making adjustments in the classroom for students with these conditions. To read the full article visit

Later on the same day, our talented Allied Health Service Coordinator and Occupational Therapist, Chelsea Auld, will present the relevant topic: The Neurodiverse Adolescent: Practical Classroom Supports and Post-School Transition.

For more information and registrations visit


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